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WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive

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Viol music scores edited by Albert Folop mail

Johann Heinrich Schmelzer

WIMA scores by Johann Heinrich Schmelzer

Title MIDI Personal Composer extern
Source file
Instruments Genre VdGS extern Comments
PDFAllemanda 2435.mid 2435.pc Treble, Treble, Tenor, Bass Balletti
PDFAria 2436.mid 2436.pc Treble, Treble, Tenor, Bass Balletti
PDFCourente 2437.mid 2437.pc Treble, Treble, Tenor, Bass Balletti
PDFSarabanda 2438.mid 2438.pc Treble, Treble, Tenor, Bass Balletti
PDFRetirada 2439.mid 2439.pc Treble, Treble, Tenor, Bass Balletti

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WIMA has merged with IMSLP

Music Archive Home | Other Composers

2001-02-08, Werner Icking (1943-2001), GMD
2010-06-30, Christian Mondrup, Werner Icking Music Archive